Special program in Urdu
IRGC whole-heartedly invites you all for a special program in Urdu on the topic Miracles of the Messenger by Shaikh Aneesur Rahman Azami, Oomeri, Madani Inshaa-Allaah on Sunday, 15th May 2011 after Maghrib Prayer (Maghrib Prayer at 6.30 pm) Venue: Ibnul Qayyim Islamic Research & Guidance Centre (IRGC) # 39, Gowdiya Mutt Road, Royapettah, Chennai -600014. Ph: 28133750, e-mail: irgc1999@gmail.com Website: www.irgc.net Note: Summer Islamic Course prizes will be distribute after the program Inshaa Allaah. Separate arrangement is available for Ladies.