Qur'aan WORD for WORD in Chennai, India

Assalamu 'alaikum. Great opportunity to learn the complete WORD for WORD translation of 
the QUR'AAN. Inshaa Allaah classess of the new batch will start this monday 27/feb/2012 
after fajr at 6am in Masjid-e-Bilaal,(preston international college)
#10 K.B.Dasan Road,Alwarpet. YOU ARE INVITED to join with us and get benefited in both 
the worlds.For details contact Faheem 9941366419


  1. Nice! thank you so much! Thank you for sharing. Your blog posts are more interesting and informative. study islam online

  2. I like your post. It is good to see you verbalize from the heart and clarity on this important subject can be easily observed. shafi


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