Alima Course by Azhar Academy; Uk, London

The Azhar Academy the immense success of their Aalimah course that was initially introduced as optional to our girls' school students as well as being made accessible to external students, they now have re-developed the course to especially cater for the needs of girls over 16 years of age. And keeping in mind the different circumstances of students at this age, they have also provided a few options in the course structure, timings and duration.
Students also have the important option of pursuing their A-level studies alongside the Aalimah course. For further information regarding A-levels, please refer to the relevant linked documents below.

All students between 16-19 and who are in full-time education are eligible for EMA (Educational Maintenance Allowance). Hence, students who combine their Aalimah Studies with A-levels or those who opt for the full-time Aalimah Course programme may be eligible for EMA.

The Aalimah Studies programmes on offer are as follows:
  1. Part-time Aalimah Studies (7:30am - 10:00am on Mon-Thur)
  2. Full-time Aalimah Studies (7:30am - 11:45am on Mon-Thur)
  3. Full-time Aalimah Studies with A-levels (7:30am - 4:30pm on Mon-Thur & 8:00am - 1:00pm on Fri)
  4. Concise (2 year) Aalimah Course (7:30am - 11:45am on Mon-Thur)
All Aalimah Studies programmes will be conducted in Arabic/English.

For All other details Click Here


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