Al-Mu'minah Islamic School; India, Mumbai

Al-Mu'minah School is an Islamic School; born out of the ideology that only worldly academic education is not sufficient for our ultimate success. Ultimate success for a believer is to be successful in the Hereafter.The past century has seen an increasing dichotomy emerging between religious education and worldly academic education. On one hand they have the Madressas that teach only the Islamic theology and on the other hand they have the academic schools that teach only the "worldly" curriculum.

They try to fulfill all the needs of their children and provide them the best of food, clothing, and shelter. To give them the best education, so that they may become “successful” individuals, they admit them to the “best” of the schools. Will our children be successful in both the Duniya (present World) and the Akhirah (Life after Death) by attending these “best” schools?”

For all other details visit the school website.


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