Seerah Course, India, Chennai,MUHI

MARKAZUL ULOOM WAL HIKKAM LID-DA'WATI WAL IRSHAD (Centre of knowledge and wisdom for Da'wah and guidance)  The purpose of this institution is purely based on acquainting the average Muslim reader with  basic teachings of Islam in its pristine purity as understood by Salafus Saliheen. Our center has a pleasant,  peaceful friendly environment and  airy elegant classrooms. It Conducts daily classes, weekly classes, lectures, aqeeda courses under the guidance of scholars.

A life history of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) on Every Moonday, Wednesday & Friday 
Time: 10pm - 11 pm

Periya Malaiyappan Street, Dr. Besant Road,
Royapettah, CHENNAI - 600014.
Tamilnadu, India. PH: 00914432404432
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