Al-Aqsa Islamic Schools,USA,IL

Al-Aqsa Primary School started life as an idea when it became obvious that Muslim parents in Leicester needed to have a wider choice of schools for the full-time education of their children.

  • The school offers a full, balanced curriculum and seeks guidance from experienced Islamic scholars, the DfES and related bodies in this respect. Just as Islam is central to every aspect of a Muslim’s life, so too is it central to every subject taught at Al-Aqsa Primary. Hence, the National Curriculum subjects are taught within an Islamic framework.
  • The school offers memorisation, recital and understanding of the Qur’an, Tahdheeb (manners), Fiqh (Islamic studies) and Seerah (the life of Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him). General subjects offered include Arabic, English, mathematics, science, humanities, physical education, information technology and art.

For Enrollment Details Click Here



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