Weekly Islamic Lessons In English; UK,London

IslamicKnowledge.co.uk are striving to the best of our ability to learn, act and convey the true, pure, correct and original Islaam that Allaah revealed to the last and final Messenger, Muhammad bin Abdullaah sal lallaahu alaihi wa sallam based upon the Qur’an and the authentic Ahadeeth as understood by his Companions in belief, knowledge, statements and actions.

Lessons will be on Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) pertaining to Salat from the book 'Clarified Rulings of Mistakes in Salat' by Shaykh Mashoor Hasan Salman; The Aqeedah (Belief) of the Muslims; Hadeeth from 40 Hadeeth Collection of Imaam Nawawi. Lesson are held every other Sunday. Free admission and all are welcome.

Time: Sundays, 8.00 pm - 9.30 pm
Venue: Masjid Al-Huda, 91 Mile End Road, London, E1 4UJ
For further information please contact:

Tel: 07947 790 371
Website: www.islamicknowledge.co.uk


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