Madrasatu Ahlis Sunnah; USA, NJ

Madrasatu Ahlis Sunnah, was founded in 2005 with the objective of educating Pre-school and Kindergarten Muslim children in an Islamic environment. Since that time, Madrasatu Ahlis Sunnah has worked diligently to develop a full time school from Pre-School through the Twelfth (12th) grade.
The mission of Madrasatu Ahlis Sunnah is to impart sound religious and secular knowledge, and to instill and cultivate self-discipline, high moral character and academic excellence through the teachings of the Qur’aan and the Sunnah and the way of our Righteous Predecessors, inshaa Allaah. Also to provide a safe, wholesome, stimulating and challenging environment away from negative influences.

Madrasatu Ahlis Sunnah is seeking applicants for the following positions Click Here
Please submit all resumes to the Main Office or call (973) 672-4124 for more information.


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