Madrasatu Ahlis Sunnah; USA,NJ

Madrasatu Ahlis Sunnah, was founded in 2005 with the objective of educating Pre-school and Kindergarten Muslim children in an Islamic environment. Since that time, Madrasatu Ahlis Sunnah has worked diligently to develop a full time school from Pre-School through the Twelfth (12th) grade.

The mission of Madrasatu Ahlis Sunnah is to impart sound religious and secular knowledge, and to instill and cultivate self-discipline, high moral character and academic excellence through the teachings of the Qur’aan and the Sunnah and  the way of our Righteous Predecessors, in shaa Allaah. Also to provide a safe, wholesome, stimulating and challenging environment away from negative influences.

For Enrollment Click Here


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