The Islamic Education Foundation of Knoxville(IEFK); USA,TN

The Islamic Education Foundation of Knoxville(IEFK) is a non-profit, tax exempt, religious organization established to manage the educational aspects of the Knoxville Muslim community. The main focus of IEFK is to run a full-time Islamic school (Pre Kindergarten through grade 8) and work with the rest of the communitynotably with the Muslim Community of Knoxville (MCK), to build a facility in West Knoxville for the following purposes:
  1. Housing the Full-Time Islamic School and the Weekend Islamic School
  2. Space for community activities
  3. A Masjid for the West Knoxville area
IEFK mission is providing a nourishing and caring environment that draws from the rich heritage of Islam and Islamic traditions, and preparing its students as responsible and respectable citizens of the community, the nation, and the world at large.



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