Weekend School by IAC; USA,Texas

Islamic Association of carrollton (IAC) IAC currently offers the following services daily five time prayers, Jumah prayer attended by over 700 people, weekend & evening school attended by over 100 students, Taraveeh prayers, Iftaars and dinners in Ramadan, Eid prayers, Weekly Halqa’s, Islamic library, Youth groups, Dawah services, Nikah (marriage) & marital counseling services, funeral & refugee services and guest lectures from time to time.

Weekend School:
Weekend School is open to children ages five and older. Eight levels of study are taught - beginner through higher education. Curriculum includes basic Islamic teachings as directed in the Holy Quran and Sunnah of the Holy prophet.

Contact Info:
Phone: 214-390-1120
E-mail: info@carrolltonmasjid.org

Website: www.carrolltonmasjid.org


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