Islamic courses,Online

Join the Global Home School Family!

Ad-Duha Institute, by the blessings and mercy of Allah, provides Muslim families with comprehensive Islamic Studies and Arabic curriculum materials worldwide. Here are some quick facts to help you get acquainted with Ad-Duha....

  • Ad-Duha is dedicated to establishing the Qur’an and authentic Sunnah.
    (We do not teach one specific school of thought, rather information on all four major schools of thought are presented, and respect for valid differences of opinion is taught.)
  • Ad-Duha is an Islamic Studies and Arabic curriculum provider.
    (We provide textbooks, software, and workbooks to be used by homeschoolers and/orIslamic schools.)
For Courses Click Here


  1. I really want to know more about Islam but the problem for me is with the Arabic language because I can't understand the Qur'an very good.

  2. Nice! thank you so much! Thank you for sharing. Your blog posts are more interesting and informative about online islamic course.

  3. Wow mind blowing post thanks for sharing.We have developed an extensive curriculum for learning Quran and basic Islamic education. Our distance courses utilize unique online learning tools, and combine both ancient and modern methods of teaching. online islamic course


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