Arabic Course, Online

The Shariah Program is an educational institute dedicated to the dissemination of the Arabic language, the lingua franca of more than 200 million people in the Middle East and the liturgical language of more than one billion Muslims worldwide.

They firmly believe that much is lost in translation, in terms of both the meaning a particular text conveys and its literary and rhetorical merit. In order to fully do justice to the subtleties and rhetorical nuances of sacred Islamic literature, particularly the Qur`an, Islam’s holiest text and what is by consensus the epitome of Arabic eloquence, one must have a deep understanding of the sciences of Classical Arabic.

For Courses Click Here


  1. It is the first time that I hear about the website: I will try to use it as soon as possible.

  2. Nice! thank you so much! Thank you for sharing. Your blog posts are more interesting and informative.nuh keller


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