Aqeedah,Seerah,Dawah & much more by ISOC; Uk,Nottingham

The Islamic Society (ISOC) is one of the many student-run organisations that make up the Students’ Union. We represent and cater for the spiritual and social needs of the Muslim students, staff and associates of the University of Nottingham.
Their Aims:
  1.  To invite all to the path of Allah with wisdom and beautiful preaching.
  2. To strive to always act in accordance with the injunctions of the Quran and Sunnah.
Regular Programs:
         1.The Islamic Dawah Academy’s sessions

First Wednesday of every month are the ideal opportunity for students to pose any questions that they have to qualified Ulema.

        2.Seerah Course

Every Monday @ 6:30pm in D137 Portland Contact Zamri 07894294450 for more details.

       3.Sisters Aqeedah Classes
Every Friday from this Friday @ 5:30pm in the sisters prayer room. Contact Abida 07837153718



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