Jamia Al-Hudaa Islamic School; Uk, Nottingham

Jamia Al-Hudaa Nottingham; Within the last few years an ever increasing demand has arisen for Islamic Education within Europe. Many educational establishments have been set up to meet the demand for male students. There is an urgent need for more educational establishments aimed to cater for the growing female sector of the community, and especially in the midlands.
Madni Trust, an established Islamic educational trust, have embarked upon the project of establishing an all female Islamic Residential College known as Jamia Al-Hudaa Nottingham.

Jamia Al-Hudaa aims to provide the following to all students regardless of their mother-tongue, nationality or colour
  1. A promise to create a Muslim generation graced with Islamic Tarbiyya.
  2. A new identity which will keep them attached to their Islamic values.
Curriculum Click Here
For Enrollment Click Here

Website: www.madnitrust.com 


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