Seerah(The Prophetic Biography) by Darul Arqam; Uk,Leicester

Darul Arqam is a registered educational organization which aims to provide the Muslim community social, cultural and educational activities to create a sense of identity , moral responsibility, self reliance, community spirit and empowering alienated groups to play a meaningful participation in a multicultural society.

The Prophetic Biography:
In Arabia during the 6th century a momentous moment occurred. Allah in his divine providence for creation sent a person who would change , forever, the world. That person was Mohammed (upon whom be peace). He transformed Arabia and the Arabs from a backward illiterate people to an advanced spiritual and intellectual civilisation. In a period less than a century the Islamic state imbued with the teachings of the Prophet Mohammed stretched up to Spain in the west and to China in the East. The `conquering` of these lands however was not a conquest of subjugation rather a conquest of the hearts with the teachings of Mohammed (upon whom be peace) which remain to this day even if the political influence of the of the Islamic state has waned. Learn in detail about the history of the Prophet and his times. Open to brothers and sisters.""""

Teacher: Shaykh Zaqir
Start Date: Friday 2nd October 2009
Days: Fri 8pm - 9.30pm
Duration: 12 week course
Entrance Requirements: none
Fees: Free - donations would be appreciated
Venue: Darul Arqam, 1A Atkinson Street, Leicester


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