Daar-ut-Tarbiyyah, India ,Chennai

Daar-ut-Tarbiyyah, established in 2001, is an Islamic studies center for ladies and children, with the aim to spread the message of Islam based on its sources i.e the Quran and the sunnah as understood by as-Salaf-us-Saalih; to caution against shirk and Bid’ah; to create a true brotherhood amongst Muslim; and to remove misconceptions about Islam and Muslims.
Their Activities:
1. Qur’aan Classes
2. Islamic Studies
3. Workshops
4. Special Demo Workshops
5. Summer camps
6. Library

Contact Info:
Daar-ut-Tarbiyyah, 49/1 Tana street,
Phone: 91-9788856910/91-9841283412
Email: daaruttarbiyyah[@]gmail.com.


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