Islamic Courses by Tayyibun Institute

Tayyibun Institute UK for the teachings of Qur’an and Sunnah is the leading independent Islamic Institution in Britain. It has been established with the aim of teaching the classical (Fus'ha) Arabic dialect and to perfect ones recitation of the Qur’an to that closest in line with the Prophet (saw).
Their Vision:
The key aim in mind is to prepare students to understand the Qur'an and Hadeeth literature, as well as other classical Islamic texts through providing quality structured courses taught by qualified/ experienced teachers from across the Middle East and renowned institutions such as Madinah Islamic University (Madinah, KSA), Dar ul Hadeeth (Makkah, KSA), Al Azhar University (Cairo, Egypt), Islamic International Institute (Dammaj, Yeman), and others.

About the courses:
The course terms run in 3 month periods and take place 3 times per year giving students the opportunity to advance themselves through levels in their selected discipline. Click Here to view Courses



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