Hifz Courses In India, Chennai.

Whoever reads the Quran , studies it and acts by it, on the day of judgment a crown of light shall be put on his head, and it will shine as the sun shines. His parents will be dressed with two robes, unlike any in this world, and they will say: ‘Why are we dressed like this?’ They will be told: ‘Because your child was always reciting the Quran’(Narrated by Buraidha (R.A) – Al-Hakim, Al-Mustadak Vol. 1. P.568)

                                MARKAZ –US- SALAAM LINASHRIL ISLAM
                                           OFFERS HIFZ COURSES
  1. Hifz Course for Children
  2. Hifz Course for Brothers
  3. Hifz Course for Sisters
  4. Weekend Hifz Course
Duration of all course is 4 Years. Each course has 8 semesters.
In each semester students will memorize 5 Juz except in first and last semester.

For All other Details Contact:
#307, 2nd floor, Kasim’s Plaza. Triplicane High Road, Chennai-600005.
Phones: 91-9884112044/91-9841843307


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