Al-Falah Islamic School; Canada,ON

Al-Falah Islamic School is committed to provide your child with the knowledge, skills, and moral aptitude necessary to become an Allah-conscious Muslim and a productive member of Canadian society.
Their mission is to prepare Muslim students for success in this world and the Hereafter.

They strive to fulfil their mission by:
• Providing quality education in an environment that reflects the principles and values derived from the Quran and Hadith
• Encouraging the development of an Islamic identity that is rooted in Islamic morality and that confidently and positively interacts with society

Curriculum Click Here

Telephone: (905) 257-5782

Fax: (905) 257-0848



  1. Good Job. Would appreciate if you change the format of email IDs. The web-crawlers will look for the email IDs & collect them for spamming. So, please change the format to something lie office [@]


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