Tauheedul Islam Girls High School; UK, Blackburn

Tauheedul Islam Girls High School; The school was established in 1984 as one of the first Islamic girls’ schools in the UK by members of the Masjid who felt that there was no provision in mainstream education to meet the spiritual, moral and social aspirations of Muslims.

With regards to educational achievements, the school consistently attains outstanding GCSE results far above the local, regional and national average.As part of the mainstream sector, the school has an excellent opportunity and an enormous responsibility to promote Islamic values and develop community cohesion with the wider community in Blackburn.

The curriculum includes:
  • Arabic Grammar and language

  • In depth study of Hadeeth – including Bukhari Shareef, Muslim Shareef and the other Siha Sitta

  • Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence

  • Tafseer and translation of the Holy Qur’aan

  • Recitation with Tajweed

  • Website: www.tauheedulislam.com




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