Online; ‘Ilmiyyah Durus

Ad-Deen has become more than a website with authentic information. Ad-Deen has spread far and wide, reaching Muslims of not only in the UK but all over the world.With so many websites on the internet propogating false information on Islamic beliefs, the purpose of this website is to do none other than convey the message of Rasulullah صلى الله عليه وسلم in its true form. As the slogan says, Spreading the Deen, Nothing but the True Deen.

Ad-Deen is introducing new classes with a broader attendance of students. The first dars which started has attendees from all over the world, including India, Canada and Syria. Ad-Deen is now also bringing together ‘Ulama to teach from different parts of the world, and is currently working towards it’s next course.

Currently, there are two courses available to enrol at. Insha Allah soon we will be adding more courses, however, it is still not too late to join the courses listed below:
1- Al-’Aqeedah al-Tahaawiyyah, taught by Mufti Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawthari
2- Usool al-Shaashee, taught by Mufti Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawtharee

For more details about this course Click Here or email to  ilmiyyahdurus@THE-DEEN.CO.UK


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