Tajweed Course ; Uk, London

Madani girl’s secondary school is the only Islamic institution dedicated to meeting the spiritual and educational needs of Muslim women in Tower Hamlets.
The Madani Maktab will cater for the teaching of the recitation of the Quran and Islamic studies for Boys & Girls aged 5-8 in mixed classes, thereafter in separate classrooms with both male and female teachers in line with our commitment to female Islamic education, madani Maktab will not cater for boys above the age of 13.

A carefully constructed evening course delivered by qualified female teachers in a safe all female environment will provide girl’s above the age of 13 with a strong grounding in Islamic studies – preparing them to attend higher – level studies of the Quran and Hadith.

The Syllabus:
  1. The syllabus ensures that children aged between 5-8 will attain a strong grounding in the recitation of the Quran according to the rules of Tajweed.
  2. Students aged 9-13 will progress in their recitation and memorisation of the Quran, and develop their understanding of Fiqh and Aqaid. They will also engage in learning through the narration of Hadith and through the study of the Seerah.
Who can apply?     
Girls aged from 5-16

Boys aged from 5-13
Students above the age of nine will not be in mixed gender classrooms.

How to apply : To apply call Madani Evening Maktab between 6-7pm Mon-Thursday and ask for Maulana Yasir (Head of Maktab) on 0207 3771424.
Alternatively you can download their Evening Maktab brochure which includes an application form.

Website: www.madani-school.co.uk


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