Al-Furqan Primary Islamic School; Uk

Al-Furqan Primary School has an Islamic ethos. The aim of Al-Furqan is very simple; we seek to provide a caring, secure, happy Islamic environment in which every pupil can discover and realise their full potential. In line with Islamic principles, Al-Furqan promotes the values of:

- Equality amongst all races and cultures
- Care for oneself, other people, animals and other living creatures
- Care for environment, own property and other people's property

Al-Furqan Primary School aims to provide a wide range of learning experience to enable pupils to develop their abilities to the full. Al-Furqan follows the National Curriculum and aims to bring the Islamic ethos into it. The qualities that children from a variety of ethnic groups bring to school are taken into account during the teaching with a view to promote respect, understanding and an increase in the individual’s self esteem.
Furthermore, Al-Furqan encourages the attainment of moral values such as honesty, courtesy, tolerance and kindness towards others.



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