Tajweed, Arabic Language, Hifaz Courses; Uk, Norwich

The Islamic Society at UEA, Norwich; provides Islamic School which was founded 27-04-2002 to meet the growing demand from the Islamic Community in this city to teach their children Arabic language, memorising Quran and Islamic concepts.

For over one year the school has built up a good reputation for teaching the above. The students in this school aim to learn Islamic concepts, Arabic and memorise Quran to be able to understand their religion and thereafter meet the challenges of living in non-Islamic environment.

The current number of students is 24, aged between 5 to 13 years old from different countries. It is every Sunday from 10:0am - 1:0 pm, usually ends with praying Duhor prayer. Parents are expected to bring and collect their children and no transportation is provided. Currently, there are three teachers as the school contains three levels. It is now located in the new Masjed at the far end of the main car park.

Fee is £10/month from each student (optional). The money is used to buy materials for the students e.g. pens, pencils, notebooks…etc. They also bought TV, white board, videocassettes and books. Teachers take no charge for their volunteer work.

Website: www.uea.ac.uk


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