Online; Aqeedha Course

THM Sadaqa Group, Inc;The House of Mecca Sadaqa Group Inc is a Salafi Homeschool Assistance Program, a religious organization that is run based upon Islamic principles of Qur’aan wa Sunnah, Islamic Shariah, and following the footsteps of those upon the path of the As-Salafis Salih. They at (THM) are offering Islamically prepared lesson's that are designed specifically for today's Homeschooling parents and for those, who are taking the responsibility to educate their children upon Qur’aan wa Sunnah and the path of the believers, at home inshaAllah.

THM Offers : "An Explanation of Muhammad ibn 'Abd al-Wahhab's Kitab Al-Tawhid"
                               by Allamah Abd al-Rahman al-Sa'di

For Details Click Here


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