Australia,Al-Hidayah Islamic School

Al-Hidayah Islamic School Located in Bentley, Perth, Western Australia, our school provides education to Primary school students from Pre-Primary to Year 7. (i.e. Children from five (5) years of age through to twelve (12) years of age)
Established in 1994, Al-Hidayah Islamic School has developed a comprehensive education program taught to the highest standards according to Ministry of Education guidelines with a strong focus on Islamic Studies. This Muslim School provides a caring, Islamic environment suitable for any child in the Muslim Community.

The school's curriculum provides schooling in accordance with the Curriculum Framework.The school's teaching and learning programs and enriching experiences enable its students, including students with disabilities, to achieve the learning outcomes and develop the core shared values of the Curriculum Framework.

To Download Admission Form Click Here

Contact Information:
School Office
Tel: (+61 8) 9351 8593
Fax: (+61 8) 9351 8594

Administration Office
Tel: (+61 8) 9472 0855
Fax: (+61 8) 9472 0866

For more details


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