USA,CA,Santa Clara; Hidaya Foundation

Hidaya Foundation assist underprivileged graduates to get ready for today’s job market
Today’s job market requires skills which are typically not taught by the educational institutions. Hidaya Foundation assists underprivileged graduates in economically depressed areas to get ready for the job market by offering the following services:

• Language Competency Training:

English & Arabic classes are offered to deserving students to boost their communication skills and increase their chances of jobs locally as well as internationally. Chinese & Turkish language courses will also be offered in the near future to help those who want to pursue careers in emerging markets.

• Seminars on Various Subjects:

Free seminars on essential job skills such as business accounting, project management, time management, presentation skills, total quality management, how to write an effective Resume/ CV, how to write a cover letter to go with your Resume/CV, Tips for a successful job interview etc. etc. are offered to benefit underprivileged students.



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