Dubai, Islamic School for Training & Education

Islamic School for Training & Education, The school takes its basic concept of preparing the students for shouldering the burden of life after attaining to the age of puberty (responsibility), from the teachings of the Islamic shari’ah. Their study of the Sacred Text tells us in no uncertain terms that, to all intent and purpose, a person on reaching the age of puberty, is fully capable of shouldering all responsibilities.

The school curriculum is based on two main elements:
First: Bringing up the student on sound Islamic principles and lofty moral values drawn from our divinely inspired faith.
Second: Keeping pace with the developments of our modern age, which is witnessing rapid changes in diverse fields, through accomplishing the following objectives:
Promoting Islamic values through translating them into life, as well as through monitoring, through motivation and through persuasion, being they constituting a comprehensive code of life dictated by our faith.

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