UK, England; Islamic College of England (ICE)

Islamic College of England (ICE) is a non-profit educational institute that is neither affiliated with any particular sectarian organisation or group. The task of the institution is to serve the Muslim community by facilitating classical knowledge in tailor made courses suited to today’s modern and diverse environment. The courses are designed in a manner that can be accommodated to life’s busy schedules.

Courses Offered:
ICE offers a selection of courses on varying subject matters. Please see below for the courses currently on offer.
Fiqh (Jurisprudence):
The Fiqh of Tahara (Purification)
The Fiqh of Salah (Prayer)
The Fiqh of Sawm (Fasting)
The Fiqh of Zakah
The Fiqh of Hajj (Pilgrimage)
The Fiqh of Marriage
Introduction to the 4 Imaams
Usool (Science) of Fiqh
Seera (Biography Courses)
The Seera of Muhummed (saw)
The Seera of Bellal (ra)
The Wives of the Prophet (saw)
The Science of Hadith
The Science of Quran – It’s revelation and many other course


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