INDIA,Chennai; I-Max Islamic School

I-max School was established as need of the day for Muslim Society is to have a school, which provides the best education in regular academic progress as well as in Islamic Studies. An unislamic setting can result in the corruption of a virtuous Muslim's, Islamic beliefs and values. Therefore it is necessary for Muslim parents to educate their children in an Islamic school to prevent them from falling prey to negative influences present in society.

Compulsory Arabic Language / Islamic studies / Moral instruction
In order to provide a complete Islamic education and to mould their personalities in Islamic way, students are taught
1.Arabic as a language
2.Recitation of Quran with correct pronunciation (Thajweed)
4.Life of Prophet and life of Sahabas
5.History of Islam

Cntact Info:

e-mail :
Phone : 4214 1867


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