CANADA,PAKISTAN,AMERICA; Al-Huda Courses for All Women

Academics programs Diploma courses By Al-Huda
1. Taleem-ul-Islam: a one year/one and a half year course for girls and women.
2. Taleem-ul-Qur’an: a one year course both in English and Urdu for young girls.
3. Ilm-ul-Kitab: an evening course for working women and students of schools, colleges and universities.
4. Noor-ul-Qur’an: a course designed for domesticated women.

• Tafseerof the Holy Qur’an with literal translation
• Tajweed (Quranic recitation) • Uloom-ul-Qur’an (Quranic Sciences)
• Hadith of the Holy Prophet (sal) • Uloom-ul-Hadith (Hadith Sciences)
• Seerah of the Prophet (sal) • Fiqh-ul-Ibaadat (Islamic Jurisprudence)
• Usool-ul-Fiqh (rulings regarding Islamic Jurisprudence) • Muslim Heroes
• Comparative religion • Arabic grammar • Aqeedah

Teaching Methodology:
Activity-based and need-based methods of modern education are being used, which include research work (surveys and interview) and field work.
• The teaching methodology also includes the use of audio-visual aids such as Multi-Media presentations shown in class.
• Facilities available include a library, a hostel and sponsorships for deserving students.
• Other than regular students, women from all walks of life can attend as ‘listeners’.

Click Here for Enrollment


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