USA, New York; Al-Iman School

Al-Iman School; The Schools in USA cater to the secular needs only, whereas a human being is both a temporal and spiritual creation and needs abound in both these aspects of the human being.Hence Al-Iman School has taken it upon itself to provide a balanced education that caters to both the needs: secular and spiritual. Parents who feel the need to train their children for the Here and The Hereafter send their children to Al-Iman to ensure that not only academically but morally and spiritually their children attain the ‘whole’ (secular) and ‘holy (religious) values. The School is accredited by the New York City and the New York State Board of Education.

Al-Iman teaches the same core subjects that are mandated by the Board of Education, viz. Language Arts, Sciences, Social Studies, Reading and Mathematics. The School also offers health education, computer skills, art and crafts, physical education and after-school tai Kwando training. In the spiritual development realm, Al-Iman teaches Recitation, Memorization and Understanding of the Qur’an, Arabic Speaking, writing, reading and comprehension and extra-curricular classes in journalism, public speaking, debating and drama.

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