USA; Aalim Course

Two interwoven objectives define the primary aim of this educational establishment of Darul Huda (Al-Qalam School): a rigorous Islamic religious and general academic curriculum, and an emphasis on the formation of character in a setting where daily life of students is strongly rooted in the values of the Holy Quran and Sunnah.

Darul Huda has designed a comprehensive teaching program with key emphasis on two distinct courses covering a wide range of subject areas.

Course Offered:
1.Aalim Course
The curriculum is aimed at helping the student develop an all round deep knowledge and understanding of the key principles of Hadith, Tafseer and Fiqh.

The core elements of the courses, which will be of 6 years duration, will include the following.
a.Arabic Language Arts
b.Fiqh: Islamic Law and Jurisprudence
c.Hadith Prophetic Traditions
d.Tafseer Commentary of the Holy Qur’an
e.Comparative History:Islamic v. Western
f.Tajweed and Qira’ah:Art of Qur’anic Recitation
g.Comparative Religion

For more details

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