MALAYSIA, Kuala Lampur; International Islamic College

International Islamic College IIC, was established in the year 2000 as a private higher education institution. It is owned by IIUM, as a gateway to knowledge and erudition, is a full subsidiary of the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) Holdings Sdn Bhd.

Missions:· To establish an effective, efficient and flexible learning institution which provides relevant, high quality and innovative programmes reflecting current market demand.
· To continue the support of academic, career and personal development of staff and students.
· To provide conducive learning environment to enhance growth for both students and staff.
· To gain confidence of stakeholders through the inculcation of core Islamic values.

Course Offered:
Diploma in Islamic Early Childhood Education (DCE)
The Diploma in Contemporary Islamic Sciences (DIC)

For Enrollment Click Here
For more details about this course and other Click Here


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