USA,Minnesota; The Islamic University of Minnesota

The Islamic University of Minnesota (IUMN) was founded by a highly-qualified assembly of Muslim scholars and educators in the state of Minnesota.The IUMN seeks to provide authentic Islamic education to anyone interested, whether from Minnesota or any other state. The IUMN provides Muslim students with the Islamic knowledge they need in order to fully understand their religion. At the same time, it welcomes students with an interest in Islam from among the larger non-Muslim community, and even offers them a chance to earn a degree in Islamic studies.

Courses Offered:
Click on it to get the details.
Courses of Islamic Law and Fundamentals of Islam
Courses of Qur'an and Qur'anic Recitations
Courses of Arabic Language and Islamic Education

Admission Criteria:
IUMN accepts enthusiastic students from all ethnic backgrounds, genders, ages, and walks of life. Below is the admission criteria:

1- A minimum of High School Dipoma*, a GED, or equivalent.
2- One recommendation letter from teachers, mosque, or Islamic Institution.
3- A non-refundable fee of $25.00 USD.
4- Applicants under 18 years of age require guardians' approval.

To Apply online Click Here


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