EAST LONDON; Abingdon And Witney College

Abingdon And Witney College offers
Course Duration: 1 year
Study mode: Full time
Start details: Date to be confirmed
Course Qualification: GCE A Level in Religious Studies

Course Description
This course helps participants will study a range of topics and learn about major world religions. By the end of this course, they be knowledgeable about Islam, Christianity and philosophy. It covers: Islam, religion and science and religious experience. They will investigate the key teachings of Islam and learn more about the way Islam spread from the 7th century to the religion followed by more than one billion people today. Philosophy is also covered in looking at key questions about how the world began and what science says about the big bang, develops skills and knowledge found, society, law and jihad in Islam.

Entry Requirements
Participants must have a minimum of five GCSEs at Grade C or higher. Mature and part-time students are also welcome.

Childcare facilities (on site)
Physical difficulties facilities and support
Guidance and advice service (on site)

Course Venue:
Abingdon And Witney College
Wootton Road
OX14 1GG
United Kingdom

General Enquiries: 08452013590
Fax: 01235 553168


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