INDIA,MUMBAI ; Easy Qur'an - The Qur'anic Arabic Understanding Course

Islamic Information Center Present "Easy Quran"
Easy Quran is an ‘understanding of the divine revelation of the Quran’. The Quran being an operational manual to the machine called man. Ever since man has been put on this earth Allah has sent prophets through different times and in different regions to give guidance to man to help him lead life the way Almighty Allah has ordained. Last of all Prophets sent was Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to whom was revealed the Quran over 23 years of his later life. The Easy Quran is an easy Arabic understanding of this revelation.

For Registration you can fill the form and directly attend the Class at:

Ground Flr, Mukund House, Behind Andheri Bakery, S.V.Rd., Near Andheri Station Jama Masjid, Andheri (W), Mumbai 400058.
T: 91-22-32902489 / 22912810 / 26705161.
Timings - 10:30 am to 8:30 pm. Friday Closed.

For more details Visit :


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