Malaysia; IIUM

IIUM is a unique university either in Malaysia or on a broader plane of the world. Since its inception English is used both as its medium of instruction and the language of its administration. It blends harmoniously modern and professional disciplines with traditional values and moral virtues. Its students originate from more than 90 countries representing nearly all regions of the world. IIUM has spared no effort to ensure that it provides the best tertiary education possible in all branches of knowledge.

Courses Offered:

1.Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws

a.Bachelor of Laws (Shariah)
b.Bachelor of Laws

2.Kulliyyah of Economics and Management Sciences

a.Bachelor of Economics
b.Bachelor of Accounting
c.Bachelor of Economics and Management

3.Kulliyyah of Engineering

a.Bachelor of Engineering

4.Kulliyyah of Information and Communcation Technology

a.Bachelor of Management Information System
b.Bachelor of Information and Communication Technology
c.Bachelor of Computer Science Bachelor of Information Technology

For more details on UG & PG Courses

Can be done online.


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