The Uniersity Of Queensland offer this major which will enable you to complete an in-depth study of Islam and of Muslims in a range of historical and contemporary perspectives. Perspectives include the contemporary as well as the pre-modern. By studying the Islamic past, you will be more able to comprehend the socioeconomic and political dilemmas facing Muslims today, both in and outside of Australia. This major is designed to provide you with a broad background in the culture of Muslim societies in various parts of the Islamic world, and how the Islamic world and the West interact.
How to apply
How you apply to study at UQ varies depending on whether you are:
An Australian(i.e. domestic) applying to study an undergraduate program
An international person applying to study an undergraduate program
Once your application has been accepted and approved, you will receive an offer for a place at UQ. If you decide to accept your offer, you will need to enrol by the due date.
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How to apply
How you apply to study at UQ varies depending on whether you are:
An Australian(i.e. domestic) applying to study an undergraduate program
An international person applying to study an undergraduate program
Once your application has been accepted and approved, you will receive an offer for a place at UQ. If you decide to accept your offer, you will need to enrol by the due date.
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