SCHOOL; INDIA ; CHENNAI ; Olive International School

OLIVE INERNATIONAL SCHOOL based on CBSE – interactive methodology with a staff : student ratio of 1 : 8. The curriculum also includes the complete Aalim program and the Hifz of the Qur’aan.The CBSE syllabus is taught with an Islamic perspective, so that the children step in to the world very well adapted, having a very clear concept about Islam.

English Medium (CBSE) - following formal subjects are taught with an Islamic perspective

Social Studies
Computer Studies

Islamic Subjects will also be taught :

Arabic Language (2nd Language for CBSE)
Tajweed & Qir`aat
Hifz of the Qur`aan
Tafseer & Science of the Qur`aan
Stories of the Prophets (PBUT) & Islamic History.
Seerah of Prophet Muhammed (SAW) & Sahabas.
Study of the Hadeeth & its Sciences
Fiqh & Shariah
Dua & Azkaar
Islam in English & Islamic Aadaab (manners)

Address: New No 5,Pachaiyappas Hostel Road, Chetp Chennai,
Tamil Nadu, INDIA PIN-600031
Tel: (044)-42120102
Mobile: 919382144055

For more details


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