Scholarships Offered by Different Organizations

These are the details of some organisations below which provide scholaships. #It is not necessary that the following organizations/institutes offer scholarships only to Muslim students.You can write to them and get benefitted.

Note: This post will contain organizations whose names starts with 'A'.

Aamir Mustafa Kidwai Trust
Contact Person: Mrs Aziza Kidwai
B-28, West End Colony, New Delhi - 110021; Tel. 011-24670009, Mob: 09868679107
Scheme: Financial assistance & scholarships for pursuing higher studies to needy and meritorious persons belonging to educationally backward minorities.

Aga Khan Education Service, India
Aga Khan Education Service, India
C/o Diamond Jubilee High School for Boys
Aga Hall Compound
Mumbai 400010
Tel: (22) 23731811 / 23731701 / 23731852
Fax: (22) 23731488

Aga Khan Foundation (UK)

Aga Khan Foundation, Sarojini House, 6 Bhagwan Das Road, New Delhi 110001
Scheme: University study in the UK for grad and post grad programmes

Agha Khan Program for Islamic Architecture,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 77, Massacuhsetts Ave. Vomm 7-238, Cambridge M A 02139-4307 USA
Scheme: Three scholarships awarded every year for research & investigation in Architecture of the Muslim world.

Ajmal Foundation
Scholarships through Ajmal Talent Search Examination (Class III to XII); Apply by September end each year to appear in the exam. (Assam students only)
Secretary, ATS Examination, College Road, Hojai, Nagaon, Assam - 782435, India,Tel. 03674-254514, Fax: 253199, Mob: 9435062706

Al-Ameen Charitable fund Trust Super tannery (I) Ltd.
Jajmau Road, Jajmau, Kanpur - 208 010 (U.P.)
Scheme: Post Metric Scholarship for higher education

Al-Ameen Welfare Society
Zakat scholarships to deserving poor Assamese Muslim students. Deserving post matriculation students already admitted to educational institutions are eligible. There is no last date for application as these are given as long as the funds last.
Contact: K.Z.N.AHMED, 21 Bagharbari Road, Panjabari, Guwahati-781037,Assam

All India Talent Identification And Promotion Trust
#7, SRK Garden, Jayanagar (E), Bangalore-41 Tel. 080-56969672, 6646861
Email:; Web:

American Alumni Association
Vulcan Insurance Building, 1st Floor
Veer Nariman Road
Church Gate
Mumbai 400 020 , Tel: (022) 2282 1413, 2282 1485

Apex Life Scholarship, The
The Coordinator (SCI Deptt.)
APEX Life International, No. 250, First Floor,
Sant Nagar, East of Kailash, New Delhi - 110065
APEX Life Scholarships for the school and college students for higher
studies in India and overseas.

Assam Government Scholarships
Contact: Deputy Secretary, Government of Assam, Education Department (CTM), Kahalipara, Assam
Study programme: Postgraduate study
Applicant profile: Residents of Assam

Asma Foundation (Regd)Hospital Road
Distt. Madhubani, Bihar 847211


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