Australia; IDCA 's Shariah Courses For All

IDCA's Shariah Course successfully running for its 2nd year with approximently 60 children by the will of Allah, they are growing up, expanding their knowledge through the Quran and Sunnah.With 2 sessions held every Saturday providing convenience to parents, the course also aims for children ageing from 6 to 12 years, progress from one term to another, along with with their understanding of this beautiful religion.

Children enter each class grasping knowledge of Aqeedah, Fiqh, Seerah, & Akhlaaq (Faith, Jurisprudence, Islamic History & Manners). Each subject gives the children understanding for them to grasp with ease and confidence to be able to be implemented through-out their lives.

This 2 year course will provide the child with knowledge from the 5 pillars of Islam, 6 pillars of iman, how to pray, understanding the lives and morals of the prophets and our pious predecessors.

With today's culture influencing our children with the wrong role models, the Shariah course inshallah will provide our children with the right tools of following the Quran & Sunnah, and by the will of Allah becoming our next leaders is Islam.

If you are interested in enroling your child or would like more information on the Shariah Course.Contact them on (02) 9738 7700.

Note: visit for similar course for Men and


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