INDIA, MUMBAI; Al-Jamiatul-Fikriya Islamic International School

Al-Jamiatul-Fikriya Islamic International School is a unique school which combines Islamic education with the regular school curriculum of International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE), of Cambridge University.
The school welcomes students from different localities and backgrounds and strives to achieve excellent academic standards in a caring and disciplined atmosphere, and makes sure that each child has the optimum chances of success and personal achievement.

The curriculum is delivered by fully qualified trained teachers. Core subjects (Maths, English, Science, History, Geography) are supplemented by foundation subjects (Humanities, Information and Technology, Art and Physical Education). All are taught by english qualified teachers.
Arabic and Islamic Studies are taught by qualified and experienced Arabic teachers Qari / Hafeez / Ulama.
The Syllabus followed in Arabic and Islamic studies is one set bj A.J.F. Arabic is compulsory for all the students. Urdu starts from Senior K.G. and Arabic from 1st Standard.

Sethna Hall Compound, Nesbit Road, Opp. Sales Tax Office,
Mazgaon, Mumbai-400 010.
Telephone No:
+91-22-2375 2690 / 2375 2126


  1. very impressive article, thank for the information you provided. i am author for the Oberoi.


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