UK, LONDON; EBRAHIM COLLEGE , part time Alim Course

A 3 years Alim course.
The Alim course is a multi-disciplinary multi-faceted course in the Islamic Sciences designed to develop in a student all of the knowledge, skills, and spiritual development necessary to understand the letter and spirit of Islam, to practice and embody it and to lead the community by excellent example.
This course is suitable for all Muslims, men and women, whether they want to serve the community proffessionally as Imams, Muftis, teachers and leaders or just want to fulfil their obligation to seek as much knowledge about thier religion as possible. At EC the Alim course begins with 3 years at advanced level (AS/A level standard), progresses to 3 years undergraduate or degree level, and concludes with a year's intensive study of core hadith texts which is equivalent to post-graduate study.

For Admission visit


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