INDIA, CHENNAI; Preston International College

Preston International College imparts knowledge and skills to prospective individuals through several academic programs.

About Preston International College
Professional Education and Research Foundation - (PERF) trust has developed a state of the art COLLEGE at No.10, Kavignar Bharathi Dasan Road, Chennai,Tamil Nadu , INDIA. incorporating all modern facilities for teaching and training.The demagogic facilities include
Case Studies
Power Point Presentations
Group Discussions
Debating of Current Business Topics
Online Teaching Etc…

Courses Offered Now:

  1. Bachelor of Arts in ISLAMIC STUDIES (BAIS)
  2. BBA
  3. MBA
  4. E-MBA

Admission Procedures
The admission procedure of Preston International College, reflects the standards and criteria used by reputable international educational institutions. An applicant is eligible for admission to a Bachelor’s Degree programme based on any one of the following qualifications:High School Certificate (10+2 years of school education) / Equivalent Indian Secondary School Certificate or CBSE, Medium of instruction: EnglishIn case the language of instruction is other than English at the high school level, an applicant must submit a TOEFL Certificate with a minimum score of 500, or its equivalent.

Form can be downloaded @


  1. Girls Common RoomA separate Common Room is available for female students to carry out their leisure activities.It also includes a Prayer Room.
  2. Supervised by Dr.Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips


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