EAST LONDON; Islamic and Middle East Studies LLM

The University of East London is a new university (designated in 1992). The University is located on two main campuses in East London. These are the Stratford Campus and the Docklands Campus.

Qualification: Postgraduate (UK)

Duration description:
2 years
Study mode: Part time

Course description: Offering a unique interdisciplinary approach to legal issues in the Middle East and Islam, this programme is built on the work of the School in the areas of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the Iraqi crisis, Islamic feminism, Islamic legal discourses and postcolonial analysis of Islamic legal history. The impact of the Middle East and Islam on the global orders has put these issues on the agenda. You are offered challenging perspectives on Islamic law, international law, human rights, democracy and pluralism in the context of critical Islamic and Middle East Studies.

Entry requirements:
Applications are welcome from students with first degrees in law, criminology, the social sciences, International relations, cultural studies or a related discipline. Students are encouraged who are working in the legal profession, the criminal justice system, community groups, non-governmental organisations, the civil service or the media.

For more details and enrollment Visit: www.uel.ac.uk


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