Online, Aqeedha Course

Al-Quraan Wa As-Sunnah Society of New York, also known as Albaseerah is an Islamic Da’wah and educational organization that has been active since 2001. Their goal is to provide easy access to authentic Islaamic information and connect the people to the scholars.

Aqeedah Course:

This is a ten week course explaining one of the well-known treatises on Tawheed and Shirk – Al-Qawaaid Al-Arba’.

Shaykh ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Abdur-Rahmaan Al-Ghudyaan

Days & Times: Sat. 1:00 pm, Sun. 3:00 pm, Tue. 6:00 pm

Students are required to attend only one session each week.

Fee : $30

For Registration visit:<


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