INDIA ; CHENNAI , Bukhari Aalim Arabic College

Bukhari Aalim Arabic College is a Model institution par excellence in Islamic studies combined with modern disciplines to promote Ulama (Islamic scholars) capable of bringing about a positive change for the betterment of self, family, society and humanity in the light of the Holy Quran and the Sunnah with the sole aim of serving and pleasing Almighty Allah, the Creator.

Courses Offered:
Five Year Course
The academic programme consists of four simultaneous courses for a total duration of five years. On successful completion of the 5 year course, a student will emerge as a multi - graduate receiving the following four Degrees/ Certificates:
1.Higher Secondary Certificate
2.Aalim Degree
3.Afzal - Ul - Ulama

Aalim Course

Other courses also offered.

For more details visit :


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